Keewatin Public School is a JK – Grade 6 School located in the vibrant community of Keewatin and within walking distance of Darlington Bay and beautiful Keewatin Beach. It serves a diverse catchment area that stretches west to the Manitoba border, north to the small community of Minaki, south to the First Nation community of ObashKaanDaGaang (Washagamis Bay) and east to and including Norman.
The present school was opened September 1959. In 2002-2003, the front foyer and gym area were renovated. Now, on 3 floors the school houses 11 classrooms with dedicated rooms for FDELK, Grade ½; Grade 2/3; Grade 4/5; Grade 5/6; French; Native as a Second Language and Norcare, a stand-alond classroom dedicated to supporting at risk aboriginal youth from northern First Nation communities. The facility also houses a combined Literacy and Book Room, lunchroom, automated library (with over 8000 titles!), a gym with a stage, parent room, full kitchen, a staff/workroom and a Before School/After School Program room. All classrooms have Smartboards. Each classroom has one docking station for staff lap-tops. All classrooms have Sound field Systems installed. Students in the juniior divisions have their own netbooks and the primary division boasts a collection of IPads and Del 2020's for students to use for learning. High Resolution video conferencing equipment has been installed in the library this year to facilitate staff development.
The school playground is well used by community members after school, in the evenings and on weekends.
Parents and the Community
Parents are an important part of Keewatin Public School’s equation for success. They are made to feel welcome in the school, encouraged to participate and volunteer in the classrooms as their schedules permit, and are involved in decision making at an individual level and at a broader school level.
Parents volunteer to help out at school and at home with student classroom and school projects. Most of the volunteers are in the primary grades. Parents volunteer their time and expertise at junior levels for field trips and coaching outside the classrooms.
A strong supportive, active core of parents works diligently through the School Council to provide students with opportunities to learn in a positive environment. This group purchased cross country skis, play equipment for each classroom, team T-Shirts, basketball uniforms, a ball pump and a shade tent for Track and Field Events. They also provide additional support to programs like swimming, Oak Hammock Marsh, Science North, Author visits and the Arts with presentattions and workshops for students with actors, singers and dancers. School Council purchases books for the highly successful and very popular Forest of Reading Program (Silver Birch, Red Maple, and Blue Spruce). This past year the Forest of Reading program boasted 92% student participation of which we are very proud of!
Keewatin School Council has been recognized as a “Best Practice” for the School Lunch Program. In 2011 through to 2013, Canada Feed the Children generously donated yearly grants of $10,000 to sustain the program. Breakfast Clubs of Canada and Northwestern Health Unit are providing funds in 2014-15 for new equipment and enhanced breakfast and lunch programs to benefit the children. Parent volunteers plan the menu, shop and prepare the food for our programs. The School Lunch program has been so successful it has been able to sustain itself and provide an ongoing work opportunity for two KACL clients who prepare, serve and clean up. Lunch is provided to any student in need and feeds approximately 5 - 20 students on average per day. In one week that’s adds up to almost 100 meals! We are proud of our School Lunch program – it is a true example of collaboration and community partnerships.
School Council contributes well over $3,000.00 a year to school-based initiatives and student achievement. Some of these include:
Daily milk program sponsored in FDELK, Grade ½ and 2/3 rooms
- Christmas Turkey Dinner for all Staff and Students
- Free daily snack program for anyone in need
- Free daily white milk program for all children in the school
- Luck of the Irish 50/50 Draw - March 17 (main fundraiser for Council)
- Outdoor play and sports equipment
- Skating at Keewatin Arena
- Spring Feast & Mini Pow Wow
- Staff Appreciation Luncheon
- FDELK Welcome Celebration
- Track and Field Day
- Guitar lessons for Grade 4-5
- Year End Field Trips and Outings
Parents and the school community are kept informed through newsletters (classroom, school, parent council and Board) home notes, phone calls, E-mails, meetings, student agendas, monthly calendar, the newspaper and our Yearbook. An electronic sign advertises upcoming events.